Wow...so many life changes since the last time I wrote! Everything has been so crazy busy! I guess the biggest news is that Kevin and I got engaged! April 29th is our anniversary, which was on a Thursday this year, so Kev took work off Friday and we headed up to Duluth Thursday night for our anniversary weekend (we first met in Duluth, so it seemed appropriate). We took Diesel with us and stayed at the new Sheraton thanks to Kev's momma, who let us use her points. Friday was cold and rainy so we stayed around the hotel, spent a short amount of cold and windy time in Canal Park, and relaxed. We were happy that Saturday was better for weather, although a bit chilly. We had planned on driving up the North Shore and hiking in a few different places. We first stopped at Gooseberry Falls, which is beautiful but fairly crowded. We walked around the falls and took some pictures before continuing up North. We drove to Split Rock Lighthouse right when it started to rain and get very windy. We ran up to the platform where the lighthouse is, which overlooks Lake Superior. We stayed only long enough to snap a couple pictures, it was so windy! Then we continued up north to Tettegouche State Park. We geared up and headed out. Diesel was such a good boy, he just loved jumping over fallen trees and running down the steps and hills. We hiked around and over several waterfalls and it was absolutely beautiful. The sun wasn't shining but we were very comfortable hiking in our light gear. We ended up hiking down to the base of a beautiful waterfall, where we decided to stop on a fallen tree and eat the picnic lunch we had packed. As I was unpacking and getting Diesel some food and water, Kev asked if I wanted to read my anniversary card. I said I did and he pulled out a really beautiful card that was perfect for the occasion and said the sweetest things. He wrote a sweet note at the bottom of the card and then in very tiny writing wrote "p.s. look down". When I did he was kneeling (as much as he could since we were sitting down) and holding out the exact ring I had wanted! Before he could give a speech I freaked out and hugged him...he just barely had time to blurt out "will you marry me" before I gave him a hug. It was perfect! Right after he asked me the sun came out and it was so beautiful! I couldn't have imagined a better way for him to propose to me. After he asked we spent a few minutes with just the two of us (and Diesel of course) and ate some of our lunch. Then, we called our parents. Kevin's parents and my parents already knew, he had asked my parents permission the week before! They were soooo happy for us! It was the best day ever. Eventually we hiked back up to the car, went to the hotel to get ready and were surprised by champagne and chocolates sent up by Kevin's mom. We quickly got ready because we had dinner reservations at Bellisio's in Canal Park. We had a fantastic dinner with some really good wine, then we stopped by Grandma's restaurant to see my good friend Sarah. After that we were so full and tired from the day we just ended up going back to the hotel, relaxing in the hot tub with a couple of drinks, and going to sleep. Sunday we stopped by the chocolate store to get some treats for us and our parents, walked around Canal Park then headed home. It was the best weekend ever.

Here it is!
About a week after getting home I got a phone call from my old executive director. He was wondering if I would be interested in taking a job at another Brookdale facility (I worked at Brookdale while I was in school). The job is full-time and temporary while the activities director is on maternity leave. So, I've been working with elderly dementia residents at this facility as the activities director/coordinator. It's a fun job and I love getting to spend so much time with the residents. I've really gotten to know them and become close to them. The woman I am filling in for will return sometime in September, and then it will be another adventure starting (hopefully right away!) a new job.
I was reading my last posting about how Diesel has grown so much and was 26 pounds at the time. Wow...that even seems small these days. We weighed him last night and he is now 45 pounds! He is really getting to be a big handsome boy. He's taken well to me going to work every day...he is very comfortable in his kennel and doesn't mind being in it while we are at work. We started him with obedience classes, another of which we have tonight. Lately he has been naughty puppy and has discovered that with his long deer legs he can put his front paws up on all countertops to check for food. Once he gets up he uses his paws to pull whatever food there is towards him. Leaving any food on the counters or tables has been another thing we've had to learn not to do. We will ask our instructor tonight what the best way is to get him to stop. We really can't complain, he's a very good boy, especially for being only 6 months.
This past weekend we had our engagement party. Kevin's parents threw it for us at their house in Rochester. Kev's mom really went all out. She got napkins and tablecloths that match the colors for the wedding, and a gerber daisy (my wedding flower) for each table. There was TONS of good food. Kevin's Aunt Donna brought lots of yummy salads and her famous pinwheels and homemade salsa, and my parents brought awesome cheese and meats from Wisconsin. My momma also made Kevin his favorite; rhubarb cake. Kevin's mom made my favorite, red velvet. There were a lot of people both friends and family who came. I was so happy that all my bridesmaids came except one, who was on vacation in Alaska, and my Aunt Verna also made it. The best surprise of all was that my sister came! I had absolutely no idea she was going to be there. She flew in all thew ay from D.C. to come to the party. When she came downstairs and I saw her I was totally shocked. It was the best surprise ever! We ate, drank (maybe a bit too much, but that's what happens when one of your bridesmaids is a bartender making you yummy drinks and shots, I gues), danced and visited. It was a very successful and fun party, and I was happy both the families finally met each other.
Well, that's a quick update on life since the last time I wrote. I will try to be better about keeping this updated from now on!
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