
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Wow, it's been a very long time since I've blogged last. I got busy, and a bit lazy, but I will try my best not to let that happen this time. I've recently gotten the urge to blog again thanks to two wonderful blogs I found. One is an inspiring blog from my friend and wedding photographer, Lauren ::check her blog out here!::, and the other is a college acquaintance who has an awesome food blog that I've already borrowed several recipes from (and they are delish!) ::check her blog out here::. Since it's been so long I will just give a very brief update of my life the last two years:

1. Kevin and I got hitched! We had a perfect wedding on a beautiful June day in Eau Claire, WI (where I'm from) at Wild Ridge Golf Course and Club ::webpage::. If you're ever in Eau Claire, check them and their beautiful course out. We had an amazing, cities-based photographer (Lauren from above). She doesn't do weddings anymore, but check her out for your other photography needs ::website here!::. We had an amazing honeymoon in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. If you're going, check out our resort. It was so amazing. ::website here::.

The following wedding pictures were taken by Lauren at LCphotography (see link to website above!)

and the honeymoon....

2. I got a wonderful job. I'm the Business Office Coordinator at a memory care facility for seniors with Alzheimer's/dementia. See my "about me" for a quick description of what I do. I love it. I still plan to go to school (U of M hopefully!) for my Master of Healthcare Administration, and this job is a great stepping stone to my dream job as Executive Director for a community such as the one I work in now, or as a director of long-term care in a hospital.

3. I got a new car! I know this isn't "huge" news, but I'm super excited about it! I'ts a 2012 Kia Sorento and I love it for more than one reason: it's good on gas, it's the perfect size crossover, it has enough room for the pup in the back and future car seats in the back seat, it's very comfy, and it's darn cute, too!

Isn't it cute?! This is the color I got, too!

4. Our sweet little puppy (see previous posts) turned into a big (72 pound), loveable, rambunctious dog. I have lots of nicknames for him, including pupperdoo, Mr. Magoo, Mr. Magoozle, Mr. Moozer, Bengal (his middle name), schnooks (also his grandma's name for him), boozie-boo, etc. It goes on and is slightly embarassing, but I just love him to pieces. He is the sweetest, most cuddly dog I've ever had. He's a momma's boy and spoiled rotten. We do fun things like go on walks and runs, play with his favorite toys like his itty bitty cowboy and his kong and "play wrestle" (dad does most of that with him, because his 72 body is pure muscle and he is one strong and heavy bugger).

Here is our boy all grown up
and for last Christmas...

...not a happy reindeer.

Well, I suppose that's it for "big" news.  I am super excited about getting back into blogging, even though I'm still a novice at it. Any advice for me?


1 comment:

  1. Yeppppp.... I loved your wedding. Your party. Your family. Your whole day... weather included. Most fun I've seen on a dancefloor ever. :)
