It's a cold, rainy day at my house. So, it's a good day for getting things done around the house, blogging, baking and cooking and squeezing in a work out.
I just have to take a moment to brag about one more thing in my life (not trying to be obnoxious with all the bragging here): my hubby Kevin.
Hubs and I at the fair
What a wonderful guy I have. First off, he puts up with me. Anyone who knows me knows this can be difficult. I am a very strong-willed lady with a bold personality. Secondly, he truly does love me unconditionally. He is always there for me, no matter what. He knows me better than I know myself sometimes. He does things like buy me "I know you had a bad day" and "just because I love you" flowers. This morning I woke up with a chai tea latte sitting on my bed side table just waiting for me to drink it. He always lets me know he loves me through his words and actions, and I couldn't ask for a better partner.
Another reason I need to brag. He is a true handy man. Seriously, he can fix anything. He went to school at the Universal Technical Institute in Chicago for automotive technician/diagnostics. He furthered his education there after his program was complete with a specialty program in diesel engines, namely the International brand. He is a diesel tech/diagnostician at an International dealership in Minneapolis. He is one of those guys that can look at something that's broken, and figure out how to fix it even if he's never done so before. In his spare time he likes to work on his "toys", including my snowmobile, which he currently has in pieces in the garage, because "it needs a new clutch and a whatchamacallit and a hoodibigig" (ok, so a few of those words are mine, not his, but when it comes to that stuff I'm pretty clueless!). He also likes to make stuff. For Christmas last year, he made these:

Cribbage boards (including one more not pictured). They are made from African Mohagany. The top one was for his brother. The "M" was for my momma, and he made another one for his dad. All from one big piece of wood. Wow. He also made this for me this past weekend:
Sorry it's a bit hard to see, it's not a good picture, but it's a coat hanger (which I have wanted and needed in our entryway). The picture doesn't really do it justice. The black stain actually makes the board look antique, and the words around "welcome" say things like "family", "love", "peace", etc.
Remember that post about my top 10 products?
Here it is if you want to check it out. My #1 product was my Asics running shoes. At the bottom I commented on the brand new, just in stores, 2170's. Well, this is what I got from Mr. Herman on Thursday night last week:
Sooooooo in love! I didn't realize how much padding I lost in my old shoes (not a bad thing, means I'm running enough!) until I put these babies on. Can you tell by the bottoms that I didn't waste any time to put them to use? I feel spoiled rotten.
Ok, ok...enough of the mushy "I love my hubby stuff". I just had to have a little brag session, but I'm done now. But I'd love to hear about your hubby/boy and what he does for you. are some questions for ya!
What does your hubby/boyfriend do for you that makes you feel special?
Do you have a special date night or thing you do together? (One of ours is church followed by bowling on Sunday mornings).
How long have you been dating/married?
Well, I'm off to cook, clean, and get a work out in. Check out my post tomorrow about what I made for our family Easter celebration!